Tuesday 3 November 2015

HTML5 Hacks

HTML5 Hacks

Tips & Tools for Creating Interactive Web Applications

Author:        Jeff Burtoft, Jesse Cravens

Isbn:                978-144933-499-4

Year:                2012

Pages:              500

Language:   English

File size:         24.2 MB

File format:  PDF

Category:      HTML, HTML5 & CSS

Book Description:

With 90 detailed hacks, expert web developers Jesse Cravens and Jeff Burtoft demonstrate intriguing uses of HTML5-related technologies. Each recipe provides a clear explanation, screenshots, and complete code examples for specifications that include Canvas, SVG, CSS3, multimedia, data storage, web workers, WebSockets, and geolocation.You’ll also find hacks for HTML5 markup elements and attributes that will give you a solid foundation for creative recipes that follow. The last chapter walks you through everything you need to know to get your HTML5 app off the ground, from Node.js to deploying your server to the cloud.


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HTML5 Hacks
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